The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18640   Message #187597
Posted By: MAG (inactive)
01-Mar-00 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: Favorite Chicago Club tales...
Subject: RE: Favorite Chicago Club tales...
Art, thanks for finally spilling that story.

Then there was that night when y'all did a storytelling concert out at the nuke place auditorium. I was hanging out by virtue of being a friend of Elizabeth E. We were all crowded into somebody's motel room, and we got on the subject of Bob R. -- and it turned out every SINGLE storyteller in the room, from all across the country, had a story to tell.

None of which I am about to repeat; suffice to say that every crowd has one who is such a pushy mooch they force people into being rude, and word gets around.

Doesn't quite match up to the Gordy story, tho' --