The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96186   Message #1877023
Posted By: dianavan
05-Nov-06 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: The difference between Sunnis and Shia
Subject: RE: BS: The difference between Sunnis and Shia
How did the Sunnis become so powerful in a land where they are the minority?

Ask George Bush.

Too bad his plan to replace Saddam with another Sunni didn't work out. Now he has to settle for a Shia dominated government with close ties to Iran. Not what was planned at all.

Of course, a separate Kurdistan works well for the U.S. All they have to do now is insure that a conflict occurs between the Kurds and Turkey to secure a hold on the distribution of Kurdish oil.

Divide and conquer is the only game the U.S. knows how to play.

Fu*%ing warmongers!