The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93659   Message #1877263
Posted By: The Shambles
06-Nov-06 - 04:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
Agreed, Roger, I would support your right to express your view on every subject on this forum - once.

Beyond that it is abuse of a right.

I think that you may have posted that before?

But unlike me, you are still welcome to express your view on our forum in any thread you wish, as many times as you wish and using as many different names as you wish.

You would also be welcome to post to the effect of what a wondeful job our 'moderators' are doing - in any thread you wish, as many times as you wish and using as many different names as you wish.

Which would lead me to believe that it is what is who said and who may be (trying) saying that is now the real issue on our forum - rather than how many times it is said.

And that this concern that is an entirly bogus one. For even if the charge of repetition was a valid one - is it really the worst thing on our forum and would it really justify all the fuss encouraged to be made against and for posting restrictions to be imposed on one individual poster only for this so-called 'abuse?   

For no one is being forced to read or even open a thread - are they? And all posters can quite easily be encouraged to ignore anything that is not to their taste or which they may have read before.

Do you also consider it an abuse of a right for anonymous 'moderators' to be seen to repeatedly 'silently delete' entire threads and all their posts from our forum - when the (so -called) critera is seen not to be met?

Do you think that some steps should be seen to be taken to address this when it happens and in order to prevent this abuse from happening again?