The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96220   Message #1877903
Posted By: Ferrara
06-Nov-06 - 08:16 PM
Thread Name: Getaway Memories 2006
Subject: Getaway Memories
HahahahaHAAAA .... Bill Day the Magnificent and Dave Diamond the Beneficent (sp.?) have triumphed over Murphy for another few days. Before the Getaway Dave had arranged to give Bill an old CPU so we could set up a network and Bill and I could stop competing for use of the 'puter.

While Crane Driver, Sussex Carole and I were napping (about 4 hours actually ...), Bill (after a short rest) was setting up Dave's computer and getting onto the Internet. O wise and wonderful husband. I wasn't sure how I would survive being cut off from the Getaway Memories thread.


The brain is going to take another day to recover and I have to sort out the memories a bit but it was a grand Getaway. We will tell you about it but it takes a while to start thinking again....


Guess I should mention that our "main" computer got fried on Friday morning; a sputter, a fizzle, and a burnt smell when Bill tried to turn it on. So I had assusmed we would have to wait until it's fixed to see the Getaway memories threads and pics. Many thanks to Tone-Deaf Dave.