The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94043   Message #1878689
Posted By: Joe Offer
07-Nov-06 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: 2007 FSGW Getaway-November 2-5, 2007
Subject: RE: 2007 FSGW Getaway-November 2-5, 2007
I've been attending the Getaway since 1999 (every year but 2005), and this is the third Getaway location I've attended. It was by far the best location - and the most comfortable. The performance spaces are smaller, but I suppose we'll get creative as time goes along, and we'll work that issue out better. We found there were great acoustics in the corridor outside the women's bathroom in the retreat center building - and we also found that the rooms in the retreat center were the quietest and might be the best place for people who want quiet at night. Peace Lodge might have been a good gathering place for us rowdy Mudcatters who want to make music all night; but maybe the fact that we were spread apart, made it easier for non-Mudcatters to feel welcome to make music with us.

The camp is on the East River, an inlet of Chesapeake Bay just south of Annapolis (Maryland). The view was spectacular from the retreat center and dining hall. The water was like a mirror, surrounded by trees of all colors. Maybe when the Getaway is in early October in 2008, we should arrive earlier in the day on Friday and go sailing.

And it was so wonderful to spend the weekend with my good friends.