The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96267   Message #1879716
Posted By: 282RA
08-Nov-06 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rumsfeld Gone!
Subject: RE: BS: Rumsfeld Gone!
I said a while ago when Bush was meeting with his generals behind closed doors about possible changes in war policy WITHOUT Rumsfeld being present that it meant he was out. So now we can be certain his ouster was some time in the planning.

Now Bush is taking shots at Rove. He knows everyone who isn't conservative hates Rove so I think he'll jettison him next. He's also ignoring Cheney who opposed the removal Rumsfeld and it is possible even Dickie's job isn't safe from the axe. Bush has to divest himself of all the baggage that ties him to failed policies that have led to this referendum. He may be dumb in most areas but he is a shrewd politician and he knows instinctively how to protect himself. Before, it was by surrounding himself with his advisors and now it is by banishing them and getting his father's advisors--the ones who told him not to invade Iraq if he knew what was good for him. In this way, he shows America his willingness to change policy without having to say, "I was wrong." It is, in fact, that unwillingness that drives his political ticker--the reason he is so shrewd.

Oh, this will be glorious! The next two years will be a wondrous thing to behold.