The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18657   Message #188212
Posted By: Grab
02-Mar-00 - 02:08 PM
Thread Name: 'Coon Songs' Your Thoughts About Them
Subject: RE: Help: 'Coon Songs' Your Thoughts About Them
Re McGrath - I wasn't implying that all hoboes were black, just that I'm English and middle-class, so it'd be a bit odd for me to be doing the "never had no money, lived in a shack, killed a man in a fight, travelling man" kind of bit. :-) Or I'd not feel quite comfortable with it, anyway - it just feels like the wrong idiom. Although I'm OK with Whiskey in the Jar - make what you will of that...

But there is a fair quantity of early blues centred on the hobo lifestyle anyway (was it Howlin' Wolf who said "you can't play blues if you haven't ridden the boxcars"? Some early bluesman anyway)
