The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96332   Message #1882600
Posted By: GUEST,lox
10-Nov-06 - 05:44 PM
Thread Name: Young folkies wanted sex drugs and folk
Subject: RE: Young folkies wanted sex drugs and folk
Chill guest.

If you feel fine about it that's your choice.

The wind up could have been someone posting the details of someone they don't like onto the net to get them unwarranted attention from people they don't know.

It happens. Some people can be cruel.

Your reaction suggests that my concerns about your safety are bugging you a little though, so maybe I'm not being that paranoid.

It's not my intention to panic you, but there are some pretty fundamental rules about safety when you are on the net in a public forum.

You don't have to follow them if you don't want to, it's a free forum, but I think it makes sense to exercise a little caution.

I think you have given away toomuch personal info to people you don't know, and I don't just mean the ones posting and chatting, but the passers by and mischief makers.

You're making yourself vulnerable in a way that I wouldn't be comfortable to. That's it.