The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18792   Message #188294
Posted By: Sabra
02-Mar-00 - 04:19 PM
Thread Name: The Nature of the Mudcat Beastie...
Subject: RE: The Nature of the Mudcat Beastie...
Hi Jessica!

I live in the UNFLUNG state of Kansas,America and am somewhat like you in that I learned to love folk music from my parents. I play(guitar,mandolin,dulcimer) and sing, but usually think of myself more-as you called it-the "sheepish afficianado", and am an unabashed fan of those who can write and play! The creative heart here on the 'Cat has quickly found its way into mine--it is delightful to have a comfy feelin' old fashioned "home" here in cyberspace isnt it?

So you're currently residing in the Kingdom of Fife? My boyfriend is very active in the folk comunity in Fife, although he lives in Edinburgh at present. He's here on the Mudcat as well (goes by Calach)and I'm sure he'll post a hello to you tomorrow! Ian is a great mine of information about Scottish folk music and can proabably point you in the right direction if you're looking for folk clubs and such there in Scotland.

I think this was a great idea, as a newbie I'm still learning whereabouts everyone is and I'll be stayin tuned to this thread to see what you discover!
