The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96195   Message #1883256
Posted By: SINSULL
11-Nov-06 - 02:32 PM
Thread Name: FSGW 2006 Getaway Pix
Subject: RE: FSGW 2006 Getaway Pix
If you want to feel better about this, go see the thread about Dylan's Broadway fiasco. The clip of their BIG number makes us look very good.
Hey Amos - "and the horse you rode in on".

This was not an easy performance to sell. The cowboys felt (and looked - see the pictures) like horse's asses and some of the ladies had a real problem with the concept of being herded. Add to that GutBucketeer's overly enthusiastic whipping. Half the cast has already dropped out of next year's skit claiking that they want to be in the audience.

Next year - DooWop Folk. Take your favorite DooWop tune, write a folk story to it and come bearing poodle skirts and DAs. Note to all: Carly has agreed to appear and lend us some credibility.

Bar Bar Bar Bar Barbara Allen
Bar Bar Bar Bar Barbara Allen
Bar Bar Bar Bar Barbara Allen

Oh Barbara Allen
Come to my Be e ed
For I am Dy y in
And I think you are the cause
Yes I think you did the crime
Barbara Allen
Bar Barbara Allen.

You get the idea
SINS, who will coordinate costumes but also sit in the audience next year. Never could carry off a DA.