The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96332   Message #1883320
Posted By: Lox
11-Nov-06 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: Young folkies wanted sex drugs and folk
Subject: RE: Young folkies wanted sex drugs and folk
Yes Welcome Stace.

I wasn't trying to freak anyone out, the thought that it might be a wind up came second to the more important issue of self preservation. so I was really on your side from the start. =)

No apologies needed to me at any point, it's reassuring to me to know that you see the need to take care. I obviously don't know you, but I do feel that everyone deserves a certain basic level of respect, and to me that means, for example, shouting "look out" if someone steps out in front of a car rather than letting them get knocked down.

That's all it was.

I agree that the wind up note isn't necessary and might put people off this thread that could otherwise be interested in forming a band with you. I wish you luck in that respect.

As for the fights here, they're more like the fights in the gaulish village in the Asterix comics. A load of jumped up opinionated bashing thheir keyboards because their fingerrs aren't subtle enough to scrape a tune from their instrument of choice.

Although having said that, from the cloudy mire that constitutes our collective conscious ... well semi conscious at least ... though not after a drink ... there has been known to emerge from time to time a thought or two of some ... dare I say it ... interest, or even profundity.

What the hell, I have witnessed some downright moving thought provoking stuff here and had my ribs tickled by some wonderful turns of phrase and observations.

All I would add to that, in conclusion, is to watch out - you are still young ... some of us have begun to fuse with our computers and become oblivious to time.

You can log on to the mudcat on tuesday, submit a couple of posts and wait for a cuple of responses only to realise that it's suddenly become friday.

I have begun to suspect that the Borg, having been thwarted on the battle field by Jean Luc Picard, has decided to wage a more subliminal war by slowly sucking us into it through cyberspace.

That's it from me.