The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93606   Message #1883379
Posted By: LilyFestre
11-Nov-06 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kayak Questions
Subject: RE: BS: Kayak Questions

   I'd LOVE to but that just isn't feasible, at least not for this year! My husband came home the other night and surprised me with news of a 10 day vacation (part work/convention/conference) that we will be taking towards the end of April or beginning of May. Half of the time will be spent in southern Maryland at Jane's Island State Park/Chesapeake Bay/Assateauge Island...we haven't decided as of yet.

Two questions.
1. Have any of you encountered water snakes while kayaking? If so, what is the best method of getting them to swim in the opposite direction? I've read that many are quite aggressive. I'm not so worried about this on the larger, more open water, but in the swampy areas (where I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to poke around), they are to be expected. I haven't ever encountered any but would like to know what to do if I did.

2. I am starting a work-out to increase the strength in my upper arms and back for the strong currents/wind I am going to face on the larger water. I want to be ready so I'm not exhausted after a day on the water or worried about my return trip once I'm way out. Do any of you kayakers do specific exercises to help with this?

