The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96122   Message #1883719
Posted By: GUEST,Guest, Big Tim
12-Nov-06 - 04:40 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Tramps and Hawkers
Subject: RE: tramps and hawkers
Spot on re 'braxy' ('braxie'), as per SND.

Carline has various meaings, 1. old woman - as in 'Wife of Usher's Well'. 2. witch. 3. the last sheaf of corn. The corn-dolly made with it.

Rickle means 'a heap, pile, carelessly thrown together'. Note 'rickle o' banes (bones) held up wi' string' in 'Coulter's Candy'. In the north east, it's pronounced 'reechle'.

I just can't figure what the two words together mean.

Yes Jim, the Todholm Inn is still there. Having strong Paisley links, I've had lunch there many times.