The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96332   Message #1883942
Posted By: GUEST,mandotim
12-Nov-06 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: Young folkies wanted sex drugs and folk
Subject: RE: Young folkies wanted sex drugs and folk
Hi Stacey, welcome to Mudcat! I met you last Tuesday at the Brown Cow (you played a couple of tunes on my mandolin!). To those who think this is a wind-up; this is a very promising young talent. The self-penned song was especially impressive; not the usual stuff where a moody teenager sings the content of their diary, but a proper song, with structure, melody, a story and a memorable hook line that I was still humming on the drive home. I'd agree with Lynne's idea about contacting Louisey; can't hurt, and might be a really interesting combination. Don't be put off by the initial comments; most people on here are great, and will help you to learn about how to get your music 'out there'.
Tim (as a guest, 'cos the interweb thingy won't let me sign in just now.)