The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90990   Message #1884982
Posted By: Rowan
13-Nov-06 - 04:53 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Posting in fonts.
Subject: RE: Tech: Posting in fonts.
Any Mac OSX users who've read the above messages wil know this already but Jim's and Joe's stuff came through fine on Safari, with one exception. Joe's just sat there, blankly, on the screen. I'm not bothered by the abilities of others to create distractions; they remind me that I should really become more technically capable.

It seems Foolestroupe and I must share acquaintances, as I've been told the same story about fonts. When I took out my first degree (from Melbourne Uni in the 60s) the testamur was splendidly 'academic'; there was apparently a little gnome who lived under Wilson Hall (where the graduation ceremonies were conducted) who did all the testamurs by hand. Later I took out a research degree from Melbourne Uni and the testamur was an appalling mess. The gnome had retired and been replaced by someone who thought cornflakes packets were high art; at least three fonts (from memory), none of them memorable, lots of primary colours. Most unis have followed suit it seems.

The only time I baulk at Mudcat postings (and then only briefly) is when I see scientific binomials (the technical names used for species of plants and animals) in ordinary script rather than italics. It's my training, but I can live with it.

Cheers, Rowan