The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18802   Message #188538
Posted By: Lesley N.
02-Mar-00 - 09:56 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Putting songs on a website. Help me!
Subject: RE: Putting songs on a website. Help me!
Hi Mary!

The best resource for embedding MIDI is Charles Belov's site (, which pretty much says it's a muddle. NOTHING works for everything. There are scripts for on/off buttons and for different midis playing each time the page is loaded - but those will not work with several types of browsers and often cause them to lock up the entire system. I've tried everything - and have had to change code several times as Microsoft and Netscape have changed how their browsers read background music. The best bet is to keep it as simple as possible so the most people can use it - and put up with the angry mail from those who can't! Keeping it simple means that when the next time microsoft "improves" their browser, it may not be too hard to change..

As to miditext - I found it works best with midis that are as "clean" as possible - and cut out all but the melody line.

The small arrow in the corner of an icon always indicates that this is a short cut to the file being used when you click on the icon. For instance on my desktop I have an icon to a Folk Song databse which has an arrow - meaning it points to the file in another directory (and so I can delete the icon without deleting the file). There is also an icon to a notepad file listing the search requests - but there is no shortcut because that file is in the "desktop" folder - if I delete that icon I have deleted the actual file rather than a shortcut to it.

I'm not sure I helped clear up any confusion??