The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96220   Message #1887193
Posted By: Tinker
17-Nov-06 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: Getaway Memories 2006
Subject: RE: Getaway Memories 2006
And I have to say my Getaway time is now officially over as I dropped Micca off at the train this afternoon on his was back to Dulles and then across the pond.

Bubba was extremely torn. He had adopted Micca as his slavish ear scratcher and was highly tempted to follow him back to London. Amtrack seem reluctant to let him tag along so he condesended to stay here with me. We had a grand time poking into every odd little shop in town (there are many here) and finally getting buzzed up to a rock shop on a second floor rear where we happliy explored until we burnt both our fingers and our wallets.

Micca will now confirm that Montclair actually does have a true Brit shop with real every day items for the homesick expat.

Oh and Barry, as I was clearing up the church after padgaent practice I reached down and found a blackvelvet spagetti strapped scrap on the kneeler at the altar rail --- really those fantasies were not actually suppose to play out in my church !!!!! I giggled for the rest of the night.
