The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96494   Message #1887841
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
18-Nov-06 - 03:40 PM
Thread Name: what has the Australiansdone for us?
Subject: RE: what has the Australiansdone for us?
No one's mentioned Kath and Kim.
One of my great great grandfathers was supposed to have been transported to Australia for shooting a bailiff, and then came back home to Ireland a few years later as a local hero.   But a cousin's being looking into it, and he couldn't find the name in the records, and there's a nasty suspicion he might not have been transported after all. But we're trying to keep the ugly rumour quiet.
Lots of great songs, both old and new. (Including the ones emigrants like Eric Bogle or Enda Kenny probably wouldn't have written if they hadn't gone out there to live and become Australians.)