The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96490   Message #1888115
Posted By: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River
19-Nov-06 - 02:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Where have all the swear-words gone?
Subject: RE: BS: Where have all the swear-words gone?
I'll tell ya where all the FLIPPIN' swear words have gone, eh? Right to FLIP-Me-Silly-and-Call-Me-"Joe Flipface"-land, that's where! Every flipin' hairy-assed retread and bolthole and flip-faced corkPULLER in this whole flippin' bluebelly dipwad town can flippin' swear like a flipped dipheaded motherflipper with his mungoberries caught in a flippin' nutcracker! If you don't flippin' beleeve me, then go flip yourself sideways from Sunday down a flippin' goldurn mine shaft and get ready to kiss the flippin' glove! I flippin' kid you NOT, man.

- Shane