The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15249   Message #1888660
19-Nov-06 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: Balls cried the Queen, if I had two...
Subject: RE: Balls cried the Queen, if I had two...
our father would resite blips and bits of thiswhile in his cups the fragments are as folows:

"twas the coronation of the king asshole friday. All the counts and noaccounts were there. The barons were in the courtyard throwing camel shit for bullshit had not been invented. Enter Daniel...
"...The king ordered Daniel to be thrown into the lions den. He called for the lions to come forth, they slipped in camel shit and came in fifth..."
"...Balls cried the queen,if I had them I'd be king."
"...the Queen,the Queen" cried the herald."Fuck the queen" said the king. Thus Daniel and and forty others were killed in the rush."
Coupled with others I believe we can concoct a passable rendition. Does anyone know the origin of this ditty? Our Father was in his prime in the 30's and 40'sif this can pin done a time frame.