The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18657   Message #188905
Posted By: GUEST,Frank Hamilton
03-Mar-00 - 03:33 PM
Thread Name: 'Coon Songs' Your Thoughts About Them
Subject: RE: Help: 'Coon Songs' Your Thoughts About Them
Leadbelly was discovered by the Lomax family. John Sr. thought it was opprobrious that Alan wanted to present Leadbelly in concerts. This was to cause a rift between father and son. Alan took a lot of heat and was persona non grata in Lubbock Texas for his interest in helping a black man to gain public acceptance. Leadbelly didn't just grow out of the ground. The facts are that if it weren't for Alan, nobody would know who Leadbelly is. How many people know who Iron Head Baker is? As a singer, he was Leadbelly's equal.

The Liberal High Horse is one in which comfortable and simplistic comments are made in a supercillious fashion about such complex subjects as race relations without having to really have them stand up to scrutiny. Many liberals defend an apocraphyl position from the ivory tower. As for me, I tend to be left of center (including liberal) and I am humbled by the information received by black people who have endured real suffering under racism. I have been informed and I think quite correctly that it's too easy to pass judgements on experiences that are limited by the platitudes of the liberal white community.
