The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96553   Message #1889255
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Nov-06 - 04:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
To me, Roger Moore was the worst...unless you want a sort of Playboy fantasy spy figure...and Sean Connery was the best, because you could definitely take him seriously as a dangerous man. I have not seen the new movie, but it sounds like Daniel Craig is playing his role very well from the reviews I've read of it.

The question is, what sort of Bond do you want? Do you want a man who is believable as a tough, ruthless, professional spy...or do you want someone who would look more at home dressed in a $10,000 suit and flirting with a bunch of bunnies at a party in the Playboy mansion?

In my case, I'd prefer the former by a long shot.