The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96092   Message #1889356
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
20-Nov-06 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Britain tops the yobs league
Subject: RE: BS: Britain tops the yobs league
David Cameron is right. All they need is love, but its important that its the right kind of love.

If we gave them all free access to an adult channel, they would all be too tired to cause trouble. And what fun they'd have!

Anal sex could also be an imaginative solution to these restless young folk. If they were all walking round zonked out of their head on heavy medication with a vibrator up their arses, I feel we might be a significant part of the way, to a solution.

It would mean their probation officers and social workers multi-tasking. They could change the batteries, whenever they checked their security tags.

Just like it says on the Jeremy Kyle Show, we've got to be there for them, with tough love....cos after all these young folk are our future.

Well not our future, cos we'll be dead by then.