The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96553   Message #1890046
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Nov-06 - 01:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
Subject: RE: BS: Does the new James Bond fit the role ?
Darned right. Whatever happened to normal vision and a logical, linear storyline?

I think the TV music videos and other such stuff (video games? TV commercials?) were a big factor in popularizing the "quick cut" style of movie-making you see so much now. It's apparently supposed to be "exciting" to wrench the viewer's attention repeatedly with split second changes of visual images from THIS! to THAT! to WHAT-THE-FUCK-WAS THAT?... to HEY, THERE GOES A... to OH, NO! to... OR IS IT?>>?>>....

Gimme a break. Then there was the Blair Witch Project, which was kind of like suffering a migraine while falling down a long, long flight of stairs. ;-)