The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96547   Message #1890317
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
21-Nov-06 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kramer's Racist Rant
Subject: RE: BS: Kramer's Racist Rant
PLease---oh Please---do not compare this idiot to Lenny Bruce.   He lost it and is now trying to recover by acting as if he were making a point. An interrupeted comic ( or that comic interuptus) has a good riposte if he is clever---which this idiot is not.   Henny Youngman, Berle, Pryor, etc;---they are fast.

I heard the Lenny Bruce routine referred to above---it was great and made a point. DIck Gregory walked into the room at that point and was taken aback (according to the bio I read) and then realized what was going on---and loved it.   I had the pleasure of playing one of his routines on my radio program ( Sunday Simcha---he is a Jewish comic)---about a bigoted used car salesman in the south---he gets it all correct and makes the point. Richards does not and then tries to cover his ass by saying he was making a point. Bull.

Recently I interviewed another satirist--Mort Sahl. He made the point that the people today seem to use these words for either "shock" or just plain old anger---like Richards. I concur, the Bruces and the Pryors made valid points.   

I am guessing that this will torpedo his career and rightfully so because, unlike Mel Gibson, he has no other resources and is not producing a big film at his own expense. Though-for me---Mel Gibson should go that same route---oblivion.

Bill Hahn