The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18649   Message #189055
Posted By: Mick Lowe
03-Mar-00 - 07:37 PM
Thread Name: Straw Poll _ Your help needed
Subject: RE: Straw Poll _ Your help needed
many thanks to you who have taken on the challenge.. and you're quite right Sabra, no one said anything about folk or traditional music/songs.. the idea is to find the most commonly recognised Irish song, world wide.. if that turns out to be Brown Eyes by Van Morrison (personally I would prefer a track by the Saw Doctors), then so be it..

I think I have mentioned what I already suspect the result will be judging by the number of requests I have had for the music.. but we shall see

I've also been amused by some of the threads posted here.. though I guess this thread is going to get rather large, so I'm wondering whether to start 2 more.. one purely for poll results and the other for witty and social observations.. providing Dick et al doesn't think I would be wasting valuable server space in doing so...

Perhaps a better idea would be that you send "serious" results to me via email .. mick and continue to provide joy and merriment with that wonderful brand of mudcat humour, here..

As I mentioned before.. the mudcat will be the first place the final results are published..

Thanks again to all who have been out and about asking unsuspecting folk..
