The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96567   Message #1890590
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
22-Nov-06 - 06:18 AM
Thread Name: why well run folk clubs are important
Subject: RE: why well run folk clubs are important
Maybe with a non-inverted snobbish putdown of all the good folk clubs held in pubs though? ;-)

I agree wholeheartedly with your first paragraph, countess. Where I do disagree though is the suggestion that if it is not at an 'Arts Centre' (Whatever one of them may be) or a 'New Venue' (ditto) it belongs in one of the categories you describe in your first paragraph. That is simply not true. There are dozens and dozens of folk clubs all over the country who provide good entertainment at a reasonable cost in clean surroundings. They, like us, utilise the good quality local artists that abound and, where possible, book top name nationals. Often we subsidise the cost of the 'big names' with funds accumulated from singers nights, raffles and fundraisers.

To describe traditional folk clubs, traditionaly run that is, not dedicated to traditional music, in the way you do is both very unjust and mainly untrue in my experience. Perhaps you have had bad experiences in the clubs you have frequented in which case I offer my condolonces on your bad luck. I think I could safely assure you though, and the number of clubs highlighted here so for seems to back this up, that many folk clubs are not like your description at all.

Hope you continue enjoying your choice of venue as much as I enjoy mine.
