The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63517   Message #1890752
Posted By: Bagpuss
22-Nov-06 - 11:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: donating organs after death
Subject: RE: BS: donating organs after death
"Which is why it needs to be mandatory...."

Or at least opt out, rather than opt in. I think recent changes, although small, are going in the right direction. It is no longer the case that the relatives of a deceased person can overrule their wishes and prevent them donating.

I am on the register, but my husband is not and says that if he did die, he wouldn't want me to let them take his organs. I haven't managed to get to the bottom of his objections yet, but I am working on it.

I gave blood only once. The blood took forever to come out, and I went white as a sheet - with every doctor or nurse that passed asking if i was ok. A few months later, I was found to be very anaemic - with a blood count of 7. So I have never given blood again in case it happens again. Its a particular shame, as I am ONeg - the universal donor.