The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63517   Message #1890791
Posted By: Barry Finn
22-Nov-06 - 11:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: donating organs after death
Subject: RE: BS: donating organs after death
I don't know how I missed this thread.
It's really great to see so many willing donors here. Thank you all for considering. I'm a liver recipient & have had the good luck to have been twice saved by organ donors. It's something divine to know you're slipping away & that you're not likely to have a future & that you are at peace with it.
I had thought how lucky I was to have been married to a wife that that I thought I'd never find & to have had two great kids that I thought was far beyond what I had ever hoped for. And to have known that I had more than one friend, I considered myself very rich, indeed. As a teen & young adult I was past being wild & never tought I'd make it past 21. After getting past a very dangerous youth, I started to live with a zest. So laying on a death bed on my 50th birthday I figured I had lived more in half a life than most would've in two. The surprize to come past death twice & waken into a life that was gone for sure, is more than supernatural & erie. To find that I was able to continue to live a rich life I had seen as fully lived & lost is more than most people will ever know or want to know or should have to know for that matter.

Waiting for an organ is like drowning but alot slower. Bit by bit one swallows their own live away.
In this day & age, no one should have to die waiting to be saved.
