The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96567   Message #1891035
Posted By: The Sandman
22-Nov-06 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: why well run folk clubs are important
Subject: RE: why well run folk clubs are important
every music has its conventions ,if Iwent to a jazz gig in a pub as I did last time I was at lancaster maritime festival, its accepted and ok to talk quietly.
If i go to a folk or classical concert in an arts centre,the following conventions are not acceptable talking ,swearing, spitting, masturbating,streaking,starting a mexican wave,neither are they accepted in a folk club.
So if countess richard took her friends to a martin carthy concert at an arts centre, it is not acceptable to talk during the performance, and she would be shushed in just the same way as at a folk club, so what is she on about,it doesnt stop her from going or her friends to an art centre, a bit illogical.
you were actually to blame, countess for not explaining the conventions to your friends,why should they be allowed to spoil other peoples enjoyment, if they are 18 or 80 is irrelevant,if this had happened in an arts centre, would they never go back to an arts should be a salutary lesson to them to treat other performers with the respect that they would like themselves, if they were playing in an art centre.