The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96623   Message #1891186
Posted By: Lox
22-Nov-06 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: anger - addictive?
Subject: BS: anger - addictive?

I've lived most of my life free of it thankfully, but then I went through a terible time and discovered what it really is. I found through honest self observation that I was beginning to embrace it when it arose, and I could even find myself trying to remember, inmy day to day dealings, what it was that I was angry about so that I could have a bloody good stew and think of all the angry things I might say in some argument .

My situation has improved again, and my anger is subsiding and I don't rise to things anymore, seeing that all it does is make me tired in the long run and the juice it gives just isn't worth the very real headache and stress that it causes.

Sometimes it tempts me though, and I have to choose to abstain through force of will.

Perhaps there is a chemical produced in the brain that is addictive, endorphines for example (which make exercise addictive), or the natural pain killer we produce in our mouths when we eat chilli.

Any ideas?