The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96623   Message #1891478
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
23-Nov-06 - 04:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: anger - addictive?
Subject: RE: BS: anger - addictive?
Why would anger trigger any dolphins? They're peaceful, fish-loving creatures who want nothing better than to show us the error of our wasteful ways....

Seriously - I can see where you're coming from. I've sometimes had weeks where I've deliberately made myself angry just so I can explode and tell the person who has caused the angry feelings just what is wrong - because apparently, that's the only way to get through to them. Being calm and rational just gets you walked over. Trouble is, I like the feeling of power it gives me, particularly when I am right, and that's the thing that is the scariest. A good rant every now and then makes you feel better, but doesn't make the problem go away. The occasional scream and verbal outburst will often make others stop and think about what they are doing. It's when the occasional scream becomes weekly or daily that you need to stop and get control. Are you getting like this because there is a problem that isn't being addressed or are you doing it because you like the rush and power it gives you? If you are deliberately looking for that anger rush, then you are in trouble and need to take a step back. If it's because there's still a problem, then you need to take it to your manager, your Union or the source of the problem and talk it out with a view to resolution.

As a person who has bouts of depression, I can see a close link between the two - a bout of 'down' will often come close on the heels of a screaming match - it's the great swing in brain dolphins from full to empty. Add PMT and it can be one hell of a roller coaster ride. It's not the mad, hyperactive rush of the manic depressive, but a slow burn to the explosion which will then be followed by a couple of weeks where all of life is just shit.

Sometimes the slow burn can be more destructive than the quick blast. I'm a slow burner now, but I used to be the opposite. I would explode and then subside just as quickly. Now, I can take a few days to wind up to it, but the explosion can be just as dramatic. Then I'll sit and quiver for an hour or so... then I'll go hide somewhere and not want to talk to anyone for a week.

If you find your winding yourself up to be angry because you like the rush, the power surge and the "excuse" to lose control, perhaps you should try primal scream therapy - I use choral singing as my therapy - something about hitting those top notes with volume and venom... I would recommend Mozart's Requiem, particularly the 'Dies Irae', which is the closest anyone has ever come to orchestral stinging or aural slapping.