The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63517   Message #1891517
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
23-Nov-06 - 05:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: donating organs after death
Subject: RE: BS: donating organs after death
In my life I've donated a whole body's worth of blood but regular medication and heart surgery mean I can't do it any more, which is a shame because I'm O neg...

I'm against paying for donors, but when it is your life on the line or your child who can't play, walk or breathe properly, then I guess the boundaries start to blur.

I've filled in my donor card, I'm happy for anyone to take whatever they want or find useful. My theology is a little strange, but I've always felt that we will be raised up as we were created, whole and perfect, regardless of what life or decomposition has done to us in the meantime. If God wanted us whole and uncorrupted then He wouldn't have made maggots. If my bits can make someone else's life more bearable then they are welcome. Just make sure they take good care of them!

This last year has been difficult for the Organ Transplant service in the UK - George Best is to blame. He was given a new liver and treated it like it was his old one, rather than a gift that someone had died giving him. It was a totally selfish act on his part to continue his abusive lifestyle and so unlike the actions of the majority of organ recievers. This made a lot of people rethink their position on donations and everyone suffers for it.