The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96623   Message #1891716
Posted By: Slag
23-Nov-06 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: anger - addictive?
Subject: RE: BS: anger - addictive?
I hate anger and hatred makes me angry. Seriously though there is anger and then a feeling you might call "righteous indignation". In my youth I'd get angry in a heartbeat but it was never really productive and always lead to bad feelings all around. I learned anger so I deterimined myself to learn better ways of dealing with anger. With God's help I learned tolerance and patience, empathy, understanding, the numbers 1 to 10 and beyond. The Bible teaches to avoid the angry man and that's good advice. Also "...a soft answer turneth away wrath." I don't know what kind of preachers JohnInKansas has been listening to but please don't be prejuidiced against all preachers for the short-comings of a few. The Apostle Paul said, "Be angry and sin not." Jesus said "The wrath of Man worketh NOT the righteousness of God" . Again Paul said to " peacably with all men, as much as lieth within you." Martin Luther King tried to embrace these Biblical priciples and look what he achieved.

The writer of Ecclesiastes says that there is a time and a season to every purpose and anger against injustice and evil is understandable and even to be commended but what we do with that anger should be done in the light of reason and tempered by love and forgiveness and mercy.

Is anger addictive? To some, yes. You could say that they have an addictive personality. The habitually angry have no real control over their own lives. They are manipulated by others and sometimes wind up being controlled be society to protect society. Control from within is a good thing (self-discipline). Control from without is for children, those with arrested development and ultimately criminals.

The next time you feel a rage coming on, stop and think. Think of a better way of dealing with the situation. Walk away, ask yourself if it is so important that you want to lose your composure. Do you want others to think of you as a hothead? Try seeing it from their point of view. What example are you setting for your children? Be angry and sin not.