The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96623   Message #1891976
Posted By: GUEST,Partridge
23-Nov-06 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: anger - addictive?
Subject: RE: BS: anger - addictive?
I work with someone who gets angry at the drop of a hat.I am not able to say whether he is addicted to anger, but it does happen with frightening regularity. Needless to say I am looking for another job.

As to my own anger, I used to get road rage - never got out of the car and did violence, just swore alot. I didn't enjoy it - infact it made me feel very bad.(never swore until I learned to drive!)
I was then diagnosed with high blood pressure and the road rage disappeared when I was put on medication for it(high blood pressure not the road rage).

I have to deal with the odd angry customer in my work. Its always the same ones - its seems they only have one mode of dealing with their problems - its someone elses fault and shouting and rudeness will get it sorted.

Just before I post this I've just noticed two adverts at the bottom of this page, ones for hypertension medicine and the other is for difficult people at work! spooky.......

Pat x