The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96688   Message #1892962
Posted By: JohnInKansas
25-Nov-06 - 12:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nautical Website Found!
Subject: RE: BS: Nautical Website Found!
Looks interesting.

The first link given ( goes to a page that includes links to the home sites for:

Welcome to the Maritime History and Naval Heritage Web Site.

The World Ship Society

The Algerines Association

The Liverpool Nautical Research Society is closely linked with Merseyside Maritime Museum.

The Association of Lighthouse Keepers and the international journal of Pharology LEADING LIGHTS

I haven't tested these links: just a copy and paste from the one Naemanson posted. If mine don't work, just go to the originals.

The links all appear to be back to the same server where the first page is located. I didn't see an indication of whether this is the site owner's own collection(s) or if he's mirroring other organizations' sites here.

It looks like it may take a while to actually survey much of what's there either way.
