The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63517   Message #1893156
Posted By: Tom Hamilton frae Saltcoats Scotland
25-Nov-06 - 09:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: donating organs after death
Subject: RE: BS: donating organs after death
There was a man called George Best, and his liver or kidney was shot to hell because of his drinking, however he was a famous footballer and so they gave a new one if he stopped drinking, and so they put this new organ in him and guess what he buggered that up as well.

oh by the way he died, and another thing they gave a second organ to replace the first one he buggered up, and he did the same to that one as well.

and yet there are people out there who deserve them more that arseholes like him.

I might become a donor I haven't made up my mind.