The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96567   Message #1893759
Posted By: GUEST,Peter Stockport
26-Nov-06 - 04:58 AM
Thread Name: why well run folk clubs are important
Subject: RE: why well run folk clubs are important
Written into the aims of the Red Bull Folk Club in Stockport is "To support and encourage performance of live music and poetry of any standard". I think we took it from the Nowth West Fed.

On a singers night anyone of any standard is welcome at The Red Bull,you can forget your words, tune, or anything. You're always welcome. We don't mind, in fact that is what learning is about.

Of course on a guest night where we have a paying public the resident is always well rehearsed and prepared.

I don't think I'd want to go to a club which only allowed or encouraged the more accomplished to perform on a singers night.
