The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18683 Message #189404
Posted By: GUEST,Arkie
04-Mar-00 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Baby-O (Jimmie Driftwood)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE BABY O (from Jimmie Driftwood)
Well, here it is thanks to the Ozark Heritage Institute at the University of Central Arkansas. Hope it was worth the wait. I came into my office for a minute and found these words in my mail box.
As I went down to Riggsville town I met an old man and his name was Brown. He said, "You can stay can in my shanty-o But you'll have to sleep with the baby-o." When I got there I was froze to death And I didn't want to smell no baby's breath. I took a big drink and I said, "By darn" If you don't mind I'll sleep in the barn."
Chorus: The night was cold and the wind did blow, And the smoke rolled out of the shanty-o. I shivered and shook with a frostbit toe, And I wished I'd a slept with the baby-o.
Morning came and I took me a look, When I heard somebody say, "sook pide sook" Standing on the frozen straw, Was the prettiest girl in Arkansas. I looked at her and she looked at me, And I said, "Young lady, who could you be?" She said my name is Mary Jo But the old man calls me the baby-o
She milked the cow and went to the shack And had a big breakfast of razorback I sat by the fire and thawed my toe, But I couldn't keep from looking at the baby-o I started to leave and she came to me And said, "What could your title be?" I held her hand and I told her right The fool that slept in the barn last night.