The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96092   Message #1894382
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
28-Nov-06 - 05:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Britain tops the yobs league
Subject: RE: BS: Britain tops the yobs league
I'm going to duck out here. I agree with Ard Mhacha completely. We do need to address these issues. I agree with Shields Folk that the thread title is wrong. I don't however see what one has to do with the other. It could have been an interesting excercise, maybe even bringing a greater awareness of the issue and possibly even helping but it has been sidelined. Would one of you please give a little? Either -

1. Ard Mhacha requests a title change or

2. Shields Folk starts a seperate thread about journalistic license in thread titles.

Before I go I would point out one thing before everyone else thinks that the UK is bathed in blood, urine and vomit every weekend. It isn't. The vast majority of youngsters are good, law abiding, pleasant people who are fun to be around. The large city centres realy suffer from the effects of the idiots but it is probably a few late hours a week in a small percentage of the land mass. Most times and places are safe to go and fun to be in.

Why do you think the yobs make the papers so often? Because they are news. No-one ever reports that a crowd of young men and women go out to enjoy themselves, have a few beers, enjoy a dance and some music, then go home happy and without having caused any trouble. Lets hope that whatever we have to do about it the majority win out in the end.

BTW - This has happened since the 50's at least. Who remembers the lawless days of the Ted's ripping up cinemas? Move on to the 60's - Mods and Rockers battling it out at the seaside? Don't think we had anything similar in the last 30 years so they have just re-packaged yesterdays news.
