The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7966   Message #1894522
Posted By: GUEST,Christmas Time Already
28-Nov-06 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: Australian Christmas Carols
I can't resist lowering the tone, although this is a very interesting and enduring thread, so if you're easily offended don't read on.

here is a cynical but funny Christmas song from aussie folk-rock band weddings parties Anything. I will then follow this post with a more sober contribution. The bits in parentheses are refrains to be sung by the audience. It is on their farewell live double CD ( name escapes me).


Well I can't get a cab for money or threats
(It's christmas time already)
This is as bad as it f***ing gets
(It's jolly old Christmas time)
The pubs are shut and the shops are 2
(It's christmas time already)
It's pissing down rain and it's 32
(It's jolly old Christmas time)

A howling host of girls and boys
(It's christmas time already)
Survey the wreckage of the toys
(It's jolly old Christmas time)
I'm eating nuts and nectarines
(It's christmas time already)
With opposable action figurines
(It's jolly old Christmas time)

I'm shit-faced on sherry and passionfruit-flavoured wine
So let us be merry, it's very nearly jolly old Christmas time

I stagger from the kitchen to the comfy chair
(It's christmas time already)
Watching a show about a magical bear
(It's jolly old Christmas time)
I'm personally sick of this Christmas farce
(It's christmas time already)
Happiest time of the year my arse
(It's jolly old Christmas time
It's jolly old Christmas time
It's jolly old Christmas time)