The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7966   Message #1895121
Posted By: Muttley
28-Nov-06 - 07:28 PM
Thread Name: Australian Christmas Carols
Subject: RE: Australian Christmas Carols
Dear Genie

It's gaLAH - emphasis on the second syllable.
A Galah is a native parrot - pink and grey in colour and quite 'chatty' in flocks (noisy would be closer)

We used to get flocks fly over the house up home in the country that were so big, they'd act like a cloud passing across the sun. And at days' end, they'd roost in the gum trees along the creek at the bottom of a paddock across the road and at certain times of the year there would be so many that the pink on breast and head made it appear that the trees were bleeding.

We got huge flocks of sulphur-crested Cockatoo's as well and when THEY congregated in the trees along the creek, you'd swear it had been snowing!

BTW - there are a few versions of the Aussie 12 Days of Christmas - I prefer the one that ends with "And an emu up a gum tree"

Probably because emu's can neither fly nor climb - so getting one up a gum tree would be interesting to say the least.
