The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96775   Message #1895252
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
29-Nov-06 - 12:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: It's been 3 years
Subject: RE: BS: It's been 3 years
Raptor, I remember when you first posted the sad news about your wife, and I remember the huge change that came over you after all of that. You've grown tremendously as you've worked through her loss. I'm sorry to hear about your being blindsided by your friend's suicide. Just because you're learning to deal with death and grief doesn't mean you necessarily want to prove it.

Meanwhile, I think some of your robins have arrived in Texas. Last week I was sitting in my back yard and all of a sudden I realized the yard was filled with red-breasted thrushes I haven't seen since last spring, poking through the lawn for worms and bugs, and I thought about your bird watching challenges. You've found some great outlets for your creative energy. Keep moving forward.

Maggie (SRS)