The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96547   Message #1895506
29-Nov-06 - 09:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kramer's Racist Rant
Subject: RE: BS: Kramer's Racist Rant
You know what they say about people who correct grammar and spelling mistakes on the web. Just as soon as you give a rational explanation as to why I should give a flying fuck what annoys you about grammar and spelling mistakes, I think it's time to let that baby die it's deserved slow and painful death.

I wasn't complaining about the complexity and ambiguous use of the word. I was pointing it out, to make a point.

Many people, including African Americans, see the use of the word in (pardon this usage) black and white terms, while the current usage is very much in the grey area. I love Chapelle's uses of the word--every bit as brilliant as another African American comic who knew how to use it brilliantly: Richard Pryor.

So, my point stands. I don't care if Jesse Jackson wants African American artists to stop using the word. I don't want my Chapelle sanitized and sensitized by African American conservative religious leaders, especially those with a few well-documented bigoted statements of their own out there.

As to white people still being racist and using racist language when the barriers come down? Well, duh. What planet are white folks living on these days...