The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96800   Message #1895921
Posted By: Becca72
29-Nov-06 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Herniated Disc
Subject: BS: Herniated Disc
I found a couple old threads on this, but they were from several years ago so I thought I would revisit the topic. Yesterday I was diagnosed with a herniated disc of the lumbosacral spine. I have been in unbelievable pain in my right thigh for several weeks now. I initially went in and was given an ultrasound to rule out DVT (a history of stroke is very strong on my mother's side) and that was negative. So the NP told me it sounded like sciatica, which I've suffered from off and on in the past and she put me on a 6 day steroid pack and some pain meds, neither of which did any good. It got so bad yesterday and my foot started tingling that I called and insisted they see me that day and figure it out. I ended up having an x-ray as well as an MRI (which is an experience I will NEVER repeat) and they found the herniation. I was put on Prednisone and more pain meds and am awaiting a call from "The Spine Center" for an appointment with them to figure out the course of action. I've never had any serious health issues before, and the DO I saw has basically put the fear of god in me, telling me if anything changes or if I lose control of my bowels or bladder to call 911 immediately. I woke up every 2 hours last night to make sure I could still feel my feet. He didn't give me any specifics to avoid and just told me to take it easy and wait for the spine center's call. That was yesterday and I haven't heard from them yet (everyone has a different time frame) so I've been driving myself crazy. Anyone have a similar diagnosis who can share some "what not to do" advice? Obviously I'm not lifting anything heavy and I'm taking my meds, but does anyone have anything else helpful to offer?

Much appreciated.