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Thread #96748   Message #1897026
Posted By: dianavan
30-Nov-06 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Britain's shame of slave trade.
Subject: RE: BS: Britain's shame of slave trade.
Teribus - "..the greatest slavers in Africa were, and still are, the Arabs/Muslims" I will stand by that statement Dianavan because it can be easily proven to be true, it is extremely well documented and cannot be denied.

So what does that have to with Blair apologizing for Britain?

Are you saying that no apology is due because others did it too or are you saying its O.K. for Britain to continue human exploitation because Arabs/Muslims do it?

I'm saying that it would be more meaningful if Blair did something to stop the present human rights abuses than to apologize for something that happened so long ago. I'm sure it makes little difference to the victims of today that Blair is apologizing for yesterday.

Blair is such a puffball.