The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #93659   Message #1898466
Posted By: The Shambles
02-Dec-06 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
"Imposed actions". What on earth does that mean anyway?

Imposed action means when a moderator (often an anonymous one) judges the worth of the contributions of a fellow poster's contribution and closes a thread, deletes or in any way alters or adds to poster's words - as a first and only response - without first asking the originators permission to do so.   

Is that clear enough?

Sadly this imposition is undertaken too often when less drastic and less counter-productive methods would be more suitable and proportionate.

And far too often in response to some complaint from one poster about the posting of others. When these complaints are responded to - this only encourages the idea that posters have some right over what others choose to post and some right to post only such judgements about the worth of their fellow posters.

If the quality of posting on our forum was really a concern to our 'moderators' - the more sensible response would be for our 'moderators' to tell such complainers to mind their own business and concentrate on the only posts that anyone has any control over - their own.

They could start with setting this example with their own posting.