The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96817   Message #1898676
Posted By: GUEST
02-Dec-06 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Surrepetitious paternity tests
Subject: RE: BS: Surrepetitious paternity tests
"we just don't have the information to make these kind of judgements about the mother"

But we do - we know that either of two men could have been the father, and she knew it, yet she allowed the one who wasn't to bear the responsibility.

"And "strong and stable" could be grounds for a mother deciding to keep quiet about any lingering doubts she might have about the child's paternity"

At the point of discovering that she is pregnant there is no relationship between the child and either possible father.

"Strong and stable" doesn't apply at that point.

Also, by being underhand she lays the ground for "weak and unstable". She takes risks.

"As many thousands of mothers over the ages have done when this situation has arisen."

Because something has happened with frequency in history, that does not make it justifiable.

Men have been murdering, stealing, etc etc for thousands of years.

According to your construct, that is therefore justifiable and defensible.

"It's a wise child that knows its own father".

Just which of many possible interpretations have you given to this phrase?

She took a risk, and the risk was that things would be fine between the child and the father.

Taking risks with kids, their futures and their happiness is completely unjustifiable.

It looks like her risk has gone belly up.