The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94334   Message #1899488
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
04-Dec-06 - 07:26 AM
Thread Name: A plunk of banjos, flutter of flutes ...
Subject: RE: A plunk of banjos, flutter of flutes ...
Not collectives, but can't be arsed to find the 'children's rhyme' thread...

To the tune of the children's rhyme 'a Pizza Hut'....

A mandolin, a mandolin (raise hands to stomach/chest height and make plucking/strumming motions as if playing mandolin)
A little penny whistle and a mandolin (raise hands to lips and wiggle fingers as if playing penny whistle)
A banjo! A banjo! (raise right leg with knee bent and crash foot to floor in a stamping motion)
A little penny whistle and a mandolin.

Thanks, Keith Donnelly for sharing this one!