The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96748   Message #1901030
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
05-Dec-06 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Britain's shame of slave trade.
Subject: Lyr Add: The Slave Chase
Here's a song that seems relevant in this thread:

The Slave Chase" (circa 1845+)

"Set ev'ry stitch of canvas to woo the fresh'ning wind,
Our bowsprit points to Cuba, the coast lies far behind;
Fill'd to the hatches full, my boys, across the seas we go,
There's twice five hundred Niggers in the stifling hold below,
A Sail! what say you boys? well, let him give us chase!
A British Man-of-War, you say­­ well, let his try the race.
There's not a swifter vessel ever floated on the waves,
Than our tidy little Schooner, well ballasted with slaves."

Now stronger yet, and stronger still, came down the fiery breeze,
And even fast and faster sped the strange ship on the seas;
Flinging each rude and bursting surge in glitt'ring haloes back,
And bearing high to heav'n aloft, the English Union Jack.
"Now curses on that Ensign," the Slaving Captain said,
"There's little luck for Slavers when the English bunting's spread.
But pack on sail, and trim the ship, before we'll captur'd be,
We'll have the Niggers up, my boys, and heave them in the sea."

Hoarse was the Slaving Captain's voice, and deep the oath he swore,
"Haul down the flag, that shot's enough, we don't want any more."
Along side dash'd a cruiser's boat, to board and seize the prize;
Hark! to that rattling British cheer, 'tis ringing to the skies.
"Up, up, with the Negroes speed'ly, up, up, and give them breath.
Clear out the hold from stem to stern, that noisome den is death.
And run aloft St. George's Cross, all wanton let it wave,
The token proud that under it there never treads a slave.

Words by Angus B. Reach, Esq. Composed by Henry Russell [1812-1900]
for his new extravaganza "Negro Life"

And here is the tune that goes with it. This comes from this site of Henry Russell's music. (And I've adjusted the text a little, in line with The Common Muse (Penguin 1965) where I found this first, to make it scan better.

One interesting thing about this song is that it rather undermines the common assertion that the idea that the word "nigger" is offensive is a modern one, and nobody took offence if it in the old days. Here we have the slavers using the word freely, but the anti-slavers are shown avoiding its use. And that's around 1845.